Friday, November 5, 2010

The Election Again

Israel Shamir, whose emails I get, forwarded a piece by Rabbi Michael Lerner with the following introductory remark:

"Rabbi Michael Lerner makes a good point in the following piece: "Had Obama refused to give more money to the banks and Wall Street; had the Democrats refused to fund the escalation of war in Afghanistan; had they advocated for "Medicare for Everyone" instead of passing a plan that forced 30 million people to buy health care; had Obama fought courageously for a carbon tax and ended the bargain taxes for the wealthy--this election result would have been 100% different. Other suggestions of the good rabbi from Oakland are not that great, but deserve reading." 

The link to the entire HuffPost:

My comment for what it's worth (and it seems to me that Shamir, who is an Orthodox Christian and former Russian Jew now living in Israel, and Lerner, should both be aware of this as I am sure Obama is): his life would have been forfeit if he were to have done what Lerner suggests and would be if he were to start doing it now. There are some things smart politicians don't do, and among them is turn on their makers. I think O is smart.

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