Thursday, May 5, 2011

Osama bin Laden, etc.

What is to be said about OBL? Not much by this writer. I am convinced 9/11 was some sort of combo horror unleashed on us by the CIA, the Mossad, our govt., Israel, and a whole bunch of very strange freakheads, whose estimate of our total, national intellectual competence is lower than a snake's belly.

So a CIA assassination of OBL seems to me a bit theatrical and phony all these years later. Good luck to all those who have attempted to make sense of this thing. I can't really.

I rather liked what J.H. Kunstler said headlining his blog this week: "Lying is the New Normal."

I was in hospital five days this week and am quite tired from the experience. Maybe that's why I am so dispirited. But that's it for now.