Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pelosi on the Barricades

I watched Charlie Rose on PS last night. Starting about three weeks ago I've had a run of watching Charlie do his thing with various interviewees. I admit he's marvelously good. So was Pelosi last night. I had never seen her doing her thing because I never watch the kinds of shows where (I assume) she appears. So this was really my first exposure to her. She is fantastically able, a great talker, and I'm pretty sure it's all done without papers, without notes, and without teleprompters. (Apparently ditto for Charlie.) Nancy made one point that kind of flattened me out. I ask myself how she can have said it if it isn't true. So is it true? She said that ALL of the money spent on the "bank bailout" will be returned to the govt. "The taxpayers will be made whole." In my corner of stixville the damn near universal understanding is that the taxpayers are holding the entire bag for the bank-bailout. Meanwhile Joe 6pack has got nothing. How can there be this absolute void between Nancy's world and "our" world? Charlie blamed her and fellow Dems for it—ghastly poor "communciation." I am now going to watch and see if anything comes of this most extraordinary contention by the Pelosi.

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