Thursday, March 24, 2011

In the Face of Political Turmoil

As of today the objections to Obama's military actions in Libya have now swelled into a chorus as the Republicans, who strike me as at least slightly more odious than the Democrats, have begun to gather their troops to attack O, just now back from S.A. I don't disagree that O has overstepped his constitutional powers nor do I disagree that he faced an ungodly mess in Tripoli, but I am newly convinced that I am wasting my time tending so zealously to North Africa and Japan since I can do nothing about either.

Therefore I shall obey my son's advice at least partly and stop being such a dedicated news-webbie and try to turn up here a little more often.

And deal with a topic that really interests me: the whole question of religion. I am interested in it because it is about first and last things, and it behooves me at close to 88 to be concerned more with those things than with the devilish carryings on of governments and with the doings of more or less crazy "celebrities," who compete with governments for the top headlines.

Now to religion: I can today only hold as serious religious views that take in the whole world. Back when one's whole world was "the tribe," it made sense for religion to  be tribal. The Jewish group is a tribe and behaving like one in its exclusivity, its narrowness. It wishes to advance the interests of its tribe, and in my opinion is attempting therefore to "rule the world." I don't think that will work, not for the Jews and not for the whole of "Christianity," which is infected with what you might call the Zionist virus. America's thrust for world empire is a corrupt, secular, extension of Christian "evangelism" now raging all over the world, and it has left the Lord Christ far behind in its dust, since He would never have suggested using force to impose rule on others.

That gives me my first religious axiom. Force is out. Religion may not use violence legitimately. Government is the monopoly of violence. There will always be, I am convinced, government to "keep the peace," but once it has done that, it has completed its work.

To be continued.

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