Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Start on a Difficult Project

I mentioned in an earlier post that I was thinking of the wisdom and justice of forgiving Israel for its cruel and inhuman treatment of the Palestinians. 

I have put the proposition in the nerviest possible way, of course. How does a private citizen get away with "forgiving" an entire nation for its dreadful behavior? 

Well, the fact that things have to begin somewhere is my justification, and it is almost a sure thing that no such proposition is going to come out of government offices in this manvantara. "Forgiveness" ain't on their word list. Vindictiveness, intransigence, pride, high-handedness, hubris and a lot of other such words are.  We have had some six "known" millennia of relations between states based on the hubristic kind of thing. What would be so wrong about trying out at last the recommendations of the Lord Jesus Christ in his famous (and largely unheeded prayer): "Forgive us out trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."

You might rush to remind me that any common sense approach would require that the Israelis cut out the bad behavior before they can be forgiven, but that cannot be what the Lord meant, else he would have specifically said so when hanging on the cross: Not "Father forgive them for they know not what they do" but "Father forgive them when they come to their senses and realize what a crime they are committing in killing me, their Messiah."

That argument has just crashed to the ground based on the Lord's own witness.  There seems no place to hide so as to preserve the right to avenge against evil-doers before turning to the consideration of some mercy (some forgiveness) for them.  

And as a matter of fact, before I could begin to write this brief post I have had to practice what I was thinking of preaching. The fact is the I have forgiven "the Jews" not only for their ghastly wars against their own brethren, the Palestinians but also for the millennia-long practice of the trade of usury which their Torah tells them they may do against non-Jews, aka goys. I have had a head of steam up on that for better than 50 years and have repeatedly argued that the U.S. should take back the signal (and constitutional) privilege of a sovereign nation and issue its own money, telling the bankers now doing it at the Federal Reserve, a private institution, that their rule is now over, thank you very much. 

I sincerely hope that that eventuality, which is bound to happen or else we are headed as a nation for a total catastrophe and collapse, will come about without involving the Jews in another ghastly expulsion or its equivalent. I have no crystal ball on all this, revealing the future to me. I don't at all know what the future will be, but a primary element in my thinking things through to this point is my deep conviction that today's Jews are making a simply horrific mistake. I would entreat them to consider the possibility I am right.

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