Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wisconsin to the Ramparts Nationally

Webster Tarpley, who describes himself as an investigative reporter, has a post up today at http://tarpley.net/ that strikes me as cutting through a great pile of bull crap presently choking the American political landscape practically to death.

Tarpley says that the limited union protest activity in Wisconsin's protest should be broadened to take in everybody but the famous top 1% of fat-cat capitalists, who own 40% of everything, and proceed to legislate a 1% sales tax on ALL financial trading activity, which presently goes tax free, while every last poor family must pony up (in my state, Texas) 8.25% of the price of even a pair of cheap sneakers for their kids.

Tarpley has a paragraph that practically sings about paying for rebuilding the nation's infrastructure and maybe adding to it (high-speed rails, etc.) with the same tax applied nationally, together with the same zero- or near-zero-percent interest rate loans the Fed is now supplying all the banks for their brisk carrying trade wherein they rip off borrowers from them who pay real interest.

Tarpley sees the Koch billionaire brothers behind the Tea Party and all its dimwitted calls for Friedman-style shock and awe "neoliberal" financial austerity. Well, I dunno. Maybe so. But I do agree with Tarpley that the austerity the GOP is peddling is Hooverism reborn: cut everything and watch everything go to hell. The only vigorous part of our economy is the part the tax-cutters are out to kill. Don't send out those SS checks and see what happens. Maybe that's what should happen to energize the lumpenproletariat. Anyway, read Tarpley and give it a thought.  

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Good God, Where's My Check?

Watching Charlie Rose tonight talking to Chris Matthews and heard Matthews say the wrangle in DC will probably come to a "shut down of govt." What does that mean? asked Charlie. Well, said Chris, the SS checks won't go out. And the conversation went a little too fast at that point and I didn't get it all, but it seemed that whoever gets blamed for that, will have struck the third rail of American politics. What no checks this month? Yeeeeeeooowwwll! Murder with the rim off.

Actually I wanted to do a more thoughtful post on this and may yet, but for tonight this is all: keep an eye out for how the Dems and Repubs play this budget thing, and see who catches the hell. And I think your checks (OUR checks, dammit) will go out. Count on it. This ain't Egypt. Yet. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Rebolution Rolls On

Indeed the wash from the Egyptian revolution resembles the wake of a motorboat racing around a harbor. All the nearby boats are rocking. As they rock on, let us take a longer look at "forces in the world."

Chief among them is global banking. The bankers globalized before anyone else. All the central banks in the world (I do think) are interconnected and may, for all I know, take their marching orders from the World Bank or the IMF, a couple of really sleazy outfits if ever there were any. OUR sleazy outfits by the way, not that that can possibly surprise you.

So now we await developments. Until the bankers are set down, to join their puppets in disgrace, I am not holding my breath.
Anyone who wants to turn up this blog in a quick way should google for tomasoblanco. That should do it. You can ignore the  references to Lady Hamilton's18th-cent. diary. But I am grateful to the dear Lady for having known a Spanish grandee whose first name was Tomaso; thus am I saved from condemnation as an utter ignoramus as to things Spanish. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

ChAarlie Rose Heads Back Home-Day 4

Great proram on C. Rose tonight. He spent a half hour with an Egyptian "billionaire," evidently a telecom chap, who was a delightful presence—I thought authentic and encouraging. He was one of the "wise men" who have been mentioned throughout the days of protest, a senior group of considerable personal weight who have been working to resolve things. He does not think the revolution is going to be betrayed by the Army, although he argues from history that the fate of revolutions is not wonderful. But this one has been real, and can be betrayed only with difficulty. I hope I have caught his overall message. He restored me to hopefulness. There followed a passionate conversation among British journalists and Charlie on the Cairo scene. They too have their fingers crossed, and they mentioned the wonderful discipline of the protestors: cleaning up the trash and restoring the pavements. This they agreed will "go down in the history books" and is as big as the collapse of the USSR. I feel that is so. It is the return of the reviled Arabs to effectiveness. May Allah be praised. Hallelujah.   

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bad news from Egypt on Day 2

The (UK) Guardian has just reported that the Egyptian army is toughing up. Having sent the protestors home from Tahrir Sq. in Cairo (save for a few skeptical diehards) the Army has not ended the Emergency Law, has disbanded the Parliament, has refused to install a civilian government, and says it will rule until the "elections." Etc. Sort of just what we might have expected.

All along in this entirely political upheaval I have wondered what it would mean to send a puppet (Mubarak) packing. He was indeed a puppet; the real rulers of Egypt are whoever issues its money. (We have a Rothschild's witness to the truth of that.) In our domestic case the real rulers are the bankers who own the Federal Reserve; the puppets are Obama, the Congress, and the Supreme Court. The puppets by definition are interchangeable, replaceable, come-day, go-day, hell send Sunday.

I look forward to the day when the bankers will be set down for sure, here or in Egypt, but it won't be real soon probably.

Nations nowadays tend to be ruled by their intelligence services from behind the scenes and the bankers are there to tell the Intel guys what's next. By the time you get to the tough generals who are now ruling in Egypt you are quite a ways down the ladder from the top. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Second Day of the New Era

Well, Egypt is now passing into history with results presently unknown. I particularly like the work Phillip Weiss has done on his site, Mondoweiss: he's  a gifted writer, and he features a tone I admire, a tone of optimism and honesty and above all relentless opposition to the Zionist crazies, the latter of which is the bedrock of his site.

It seems almost certain that Egypt is a deathknell for Eretz Israel, and good riddance to that. But we shall have to see. Dug-in age-sters like Mubarak and most of the ultra rich of our American and Israeli billionaire crowd think that money and power and all that stuff is the way the world works; that there can be no withstanding them. Not true. The people rule ultimately; when people really withdraw consent, it's "game over" for their lot. I trust the hour will come for our superbankers—the Mammonites, the usurers, the money fiends—whose game for the last 500 years has nearly wrecked the earth, our home.

It will be delightful to see them gone.    

Friday, February 11, 2011

Mubarak Is Out

The King is dead in Egypt. Is the Army now king? Or Suleiman? We shall soon know, no doubt.

February 11. 2011: a great and historic day; the Arabs are back, as Belloc said they would be. And they are young. And powerful. "We the people," Jefferson's Declaration began. Our principles. so dishonored at home, have taken Egypt to victory. God bless them. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Look Into the Future

My headline is misleading today. I do not attempt to read the future. it is (a) impossible and (b) always wrong anyway.  Also irresistible. So here goes.

Christopher Bollyn, who seems to me in many ways the most interesting of all observers of the current scene, thinks the O administration is being deliberately duplicitous re Egypt: O and Lady Clinton both sing songs of admiration for the protesters while O sends (as he did on Jan 31) the CIA's Frank Wisner to Egypt (think of the oil it took to fly him there) to buck up Mubarak and then to say we have to stick with M until the end, or words to that effect, which words Lady C felt obliged to disagree with.

Well, maybe. And maybe it's just governmental confusion. But surely Bollyn is right that the "U.S. interest" is to keep the status quo going; that is what Israel wants (MUST HAVE) so that is also what we must want. Does anybody any longer think that ol' Sharon was lying when he said Israel tells America what to do?

The USS Kearsarge is appaently en route to Suez or already there, to be used if needed. Suez must stay open. And I'm sure we would prefer to see to do that rather than have the Israelis do it. It will be done. As the peace between Israel and Egypt will be kept. But meanwhile there are all those mere people in Egypt who are cutting up.

At this point my predicting machine shuts down. But I wish the Egyptians all the luck in the world. They've got some coming. And I wish all the power--worshipping and power-possessing bastards everywhere a very bad time.  

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Egypt aflame

I have become a devotee of Al Jazeera/English, and do admire the job they are doing reporting Egypt, which is blessedly free of the endless ads that appear on CNN and the rest of the American TV channels. I watch AJ on the web since my TV cable company does not offer it.

Israel Shamir says the Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings are to be largely credited to the impact of Wikileaks and therefore the world services of Julian Assange. That seems reasonable to me. I find it hard to go with suggestions Assange is a "limited hangout" of the CIA. That's one level too deep into double-dipped conspiracy for me. Assange has embarrassed our govt., which richly deserves embarrassment. And Bradley Manning is being very badly treated in a military prison. He's the most celebrated home-grown political prisoner of the U.S. since Ezra Pound, or so it seems to me. Apparently nothing of this deflects even a little from Obama's sense of himself, his apparently iron-clad amour propre: "I'm OK and doing just fine, thank you."

As I have also noted I am also a fan of Charlie Rose, although I do not think he is as free to go against the Establishment. In fact he is a true hero of the E. But it interesting to watch his guests as they fishtail around the central point of the Arab "revolution," if that's what it is. In the Arab world Israel is a foreign body and their ultimate goal is to get rid of it, as one would take a cinder out of one's eye. Fancy the demographics: just for starters, Egypt, 80 million with a majority under 30; Israel 6 (?) million with a sclerotic mandate that is bound to fail. I do not look forward to the final payout of this mess.